Besökte min hemstad under veckan som varit och spenderat tid med mina fina vänner! En heldag ägnades åt att cykla till en av dessa vänners sommarstuga 2.6 mil utanför stan. 


Gick upp 6.30 och kl 7 var jag på elljusspåret. Sprang 5 km på 24 min och är faktiskt riktigt stolt över den tiden! Personbästa och dessutom innan frukost. Runt 8 tiden fick jag njuta av en banan/hallon/blåbär/björnbär/jordnötssmoothie!  Känner att det kommer bli en underbar dag och jag är full av energi!


Idag blir det ut och äta för att fira brodern min som fyller fjortisålder idag, och det betyder att jag äntligen får göra i ordning mig igen! Har längtat sen skolavslutningen på den dagen jag får fylla i mina ögonbryn och fixa håret igen, haha!


On new year's eve I promised myself that 2013 would be the greatest year, full of surprises. I sure got the surprise part right. 
If anyone would've told me that day that my posts and pictures would spread all over the world I would not believe that person for a second. It has happened two times this year though, and yes, it has really changed my way of thinking about famous people (really hard to say without sounding stuck up, sorry about that). 
When I posted my status about my story as bullied I had no idea how much it would spread. Just getting the 2 first likes from my facebookfriends was unbelievable, and when the post got likes from people I didn't know it became even more surreal. 200 000 likes, 60 000 comments, 15 000 sharings and 3 000 friendrequests later I was overwhelmed, but devastated. I didn't want to leave school, being too afraid to start my computer and face all the hate. My phone was constantly vibrating from all the facebook-notifications and it all came to a point when I just wished that I had never posted that post in the first place. 
Comments like "You should've killed yourself.", "She was probably a bullie herself.", "She's fake!", "Attentionwhore!" felt like a punch to my stomach. It was absolutely horrible. I had never in my life prepared for that kind of "hate-attack". Luckily there was so many supporting persons, standing up against the "haters" for me. I can never thank those people enough, but I wish I could. It meant the world to have that support.
It was worse the second time my photos got shared all over the world. There were no possitive feedback, only mean comments, and barely anyone who wanted to stand by my side this time. I felt crushed and helpless, but now that I'm over it, all I can think of is the ones that litterally everyone knows and have something to say about.
Let's take Justin Bieber for an instance (I want you to know that I'm not a "belieber" so there's no sort of partial opinions here), do you guys think he ever thought he'd famous after his first video on youtube? Maybe he expected 1000 views, more or less, but things happen alot faster than you can ever imagine. And suddenly, you're there. You're famous and recognized and hated and loved. And every hateful comment hurts.
I know I've been trying to stand up for people on facebook receiving hateful comments, and I always get the same response: If she/he didn't want to get hate then she/he shouldn't have posted anything at all.". A little reminder to you people: A person never expects to become famous. A person never prepares to become known all over the world as they're posting something on the internet. Everyone is just normal people, doing what they love or venting about their life or whatever. They didn't prepare for people to hate them, so why would they think "nah, won't post this, might get famous."? Like get a grip, people. And besides: If you see a post you don't like and you comment something mean about it, whose fault is it that there are mean comments on that post? Don't try to blame it on the person who posted it, you know it's all you.


Kände att jag behövde nånstans att skriva upp alla mina bedrifter under träningslovet och inte liksom dumpa allt på min mer personliga blogg (wut?). Men hursomhelst! är min nya blogg där jag skriver endast om fitness och kroppen! Hoppas ni tar en kik, puss!
Goa svettdroppar från håret efter ett skönt tabatapass!


Gick upp runt 9 tiden och gick ut på en promenad, kom hem och lagade i ordning brunch. (Misslyckad)Spenatomelett, passionsfrukt och grov macka med kalkon, ost och gurka stod på menyn. 
 Blir att försöka mig på ett träningspass senare idag trots träningsvärken efter en lång gårdag på Boda Borg.
Puss sålänge!


Vaknade klockan 9 och gick ut på en promenad direkt med Jenny. Kom tillbaka och åt frukost som bestod av bananplättar och havrygrynsgröt med bär till. Tog även ett ben och armar/axlar pass innan Albin kom och joinade mig och Jenny. Resten av dagen spenderades bråttandes i sängen då vi försökte knö ner oss alla tre. Sitter nu med Yollibox och ser på tv och bara njuter allt vad jag kan, för imorgon är det heldag på Boda Borg som gäller!
"Gör en tråkig min"


Den här sommaren handlar allt om att vara nyttig! Vill inte slösa bort en enda dag utan vill se till att alla dagar räknas, so that's what I'm gonna do! Nu när man äntligen har chansen att ge det tid så ska jag verkligen göra det! Längtar till att se resultaten!

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